home Satir Growth Model Satir Coaching and Mentoring Specialist Certification

Satir Coaching and Mentoring Specialist Certification

Learning Objectives for Satir Coaches and Mentors:

  1. Making Contact with Yourself and Others:
    Pausing, breathing, and self-awareness.
    Attending to others physically, mentally, and spiritually.
  2. Validating Yourself and Others:
    Acknowledging feelings and inner resources.
    Reflecting on others’ feelings and highlighting their strengths.
  3. Becoming Aware of Yourself and Others:
    Noticing congruent and defensive behaviors.
    Assisting others in recognizing congruence and defensiveness.
  4. Opening to Greater Understanding and Acceptance:
    Embracing disliked parts in oneself and others.
    Guiding others to understand and accept their own disliked aspects.
  5. Making Changes and Reinforcing Them:
    Empowering positive choices and change.
    Providing support and encouragement during the change process.

Program Structure:

Level 1 – Enriching Your Relationship with Your Self and Others:
– 12 individual lessons “self-study” with feedback from the trainer or 3 days of group training.
– Lessons include Making Contact, Validating, Facilitating Awareness, Promoting Acceptance, Making Changes, Reinforcing Changes, and more.
Level 2 – Satir’s Theoretical Concepts and Satir’s Process:
– 8 individual lessons “self-study” with feedback from the trainer or 4 days of group training.
– Lessons cover The Use of Self, Families as Systems, The Self-Mandala, and other key theoretical concepts.
Level 3 – Satir Coaching and Mentoring Specialist Training:
– Group course.
– In-depth sessions on Phasing of Helping, Empathic Responding, Becoming Aware ofDefensive Behaviors, Accepting Disliked Parts, Making Changes, and more.
– Supervised practicum working with groups.

After your application has been processed, the full curriculum for the program will be sent to you.

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