by | | ENRICHing Workshops, Stasis Kinesis, Virginia Satir
We often use our body without noticing how we communicate non-verbally. In the latest workshop with a group of YPO (Young President Organisation) spouses and female leaders, we have explored how to read our body and repattern our unconscious strategies to replace them...
by | | ENRICHing Workshops, Virginia Satir
The Virginia Satir Systemic Work with fun exercises on the topic of happiness and ageing healthy with YPO London Gold Chapter.
by | | ENRICHing Workshops, Stance-Dance, The Satir Model in Coaching, Virginia Satir
The co-Founder of Institute of Virginia Satir in the UK, Darya Haitoglou, facilitates family enrichment process for a group of entrepreneurs in London.
by | | ENRICHing Workshops, The Satir Model in Coaching, Virginia Satir
The Virginia Satir Institute in London, UK have conducted a number of systemic workshops in the last months with the general public as well as business owners, therapists and international organisations such as YPO (Young President Organisation), The Cambridge...
by | | ENRICHing Workshops, Stance-Dance, The Satir Model in Coaching
The Satir Change Model has been travelling around the world and helping hundreds of leaders and executives systemically change how they lead their organisations and operations on the ground. Here are some of the testimonials from the workshop Darya Haitoglou conducted...