home Creative Writing How resilient are you to stress?

How resilient are you to stress?

Most of last week I spent in a beautiful Vancouver in Canada. I went there to learn & present the Integrative Movement Therapy called the STANCE-DANCE in a big conference for psychotherapists in honour of 100 years of life of Virginia Satir.

The Stance-Dance was wonderfully perceived and we had many more people who wanted to join us but the room was too small. ‘Nice problem to have’, someone said to me afterwards. Next year we need a bigger room and we need to plan more sessions around the world. Every time we have a Stance-Dance, people love it. There is some magic to it as it’s a simple way to release fear and deal with stress.

On my way back, my flight from Canada was cancelled. While there was a lot of frustration in the waiting crowd during constant changes of time, and despite the fact that I had to reorganise subsequent plans, I realised that my resilience level was different this time.

Something has shifted and I didn’t know what exactly. I felt more calm and at peace than before I came to Canada.

I started analysing what helped me at that moment.  Where in normal circumstances I would be frustrated (I couldn’t be with my kids as I promised to them), I was in a loving space this time.

The answer was, I had some deep connection with friends and like-minded people and that made me more resilient to stress.

We are wired to connect. We are designed to be social animals and when we stay too long in our own cocoon, be it at work or home, we easily get sensitive to external triggers and feel bogged down or lonely.

So as simple as having your hobby shared with friends, having a family reunion, organising face-to-face quality time with people who share your passion, will help you raise your level of resilience.

When was the last time you did that?

I would love to hear from you. You know I get inspiration from knowing how you are doing.

Enriching connections among us, we stay connected and we automatically increase our social & personal resilience. And we so much need this in time of political separation. Separation of views creates fear. Fear provokes hatred and violence.

How can we create more peace and more love, inside ourselves, to combat tough changes in life?

Let’s get more resilient, let’s connect more.

Wishing you a great week.


P.S.: We are opening doors to our Enriching Online Programme (http://daryahaitoglou.com/1-enrich-your-relationships-programme/) starting September 15th 2016 straight after a big trip to Tibet (http://daryahaitoglou.com/tibet-retreat-2/). Enriching Programme is a wonderful platform that helps people connect and learn how to stay resilient in an ever-changing world. Learning to be flexible and in touch with our deepest yearnings, based on a ground-braking research in a field of neuro-science. Join us and spread a good word to those who need it.