Systemic Enrichment Workshops in London

The Virginia Satir Institute in London, UK have conducted a number of systemic workshops in the last months with the general public as well as business owners, therapists and international organisations such as YPO (Young President Organisation), The Cambridge University, clients from such companies as P&G, Coty, Microsoft, BP and others.

Satir Change Model in Business and Corporate Coaching

The Satir Change Model has been travelling around the world and helping hundreds of leaders and executives systemically change how they lead their organisations and operations on the ground. Here are some of the testimonials from the workshop Darya Haitoglou conducted this year in the UK: “Just realising the stressfulness of certain stances can be …

Would you like to Stance-Dance?

WHAT IS STANCE-DANCE? In the world of stress and fast-pace communication there is a longing for tranquility and peace. STANCE-DANCE beautifully combines movement, stillness and rhythm to create an opportunity to release fear, relax from stress and move into more congruent behaviours and fruitful states such as joy, happiness, lightness, peace, confidence, strength and serenity. …

How resilient are you to stress?

Most of last week I spent in a beautiful Vancouver in Canada. I went there to learn & present the Integrative Movement Therapy called the STANCE-DANCE in a big conference for psychotherapists in honour of 100 years of life of Virginia Satir. The Stance-Dance was wonderfully perceived and we had many more people who wanted …